What I'm talking about...

White paper: Designing for inclusion, designing for all

A mindset shift and practical approaches to further your journey toward inclusive design in EdTech.

With a foreword by CAST’s David Rose


Popular Articles

Rosenheck, L. & Limpiti, P. (2024). Designing for Inclusion, Designing for All. (white paper)

Rosenheck, L. (2021). Pedagogy-driven Data: Aligning Data Collection, Analysis, and Use with Learning We Value. In A.J. Bowers (Ed.) Data Visualization, Dashboards, and Evidence Use in Schools: Data Collaborative Workshop Perspectives of Educators, Researchers, and Data Scientists. Teachers College, Columbia University. New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.7916/d8-jj2g-e225

Rosenheck, L., Lin, G.C., Nigam, R., Nori, P. and Kim, Y.J. (2021), Not all evidence is created equal: assessment artifacts in maker education, Information and Learning Sciences, Vol. 122 No. 3/4. https://doi.org/10.1108/ILS-08-2020-0205

Rosenheck, L., Cheng, M. T., Lin, C. Y., & Klopfer, E. (2021). Approaches to illuminate content-specific gameplay decisions using open-ended game data. Educational Technology Research and Development, 1-20.

Kim, YJ. & Rosenheck, L. (2020). Reimagining Assessment Through Play: A Case Study of MetaRubric. In Bearman, M., Dawson, P., Ajjawi, R., Tai, J., Boud, D. (Eds.) Re-imagining University Assessment in a Digital World (pp. 263-276). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Ruiperez-Valiente, J. A., Gaydos, M., Rosenheck, L., Kim, Y. J., & Klopfer, E. (2020). Patterns of engagement in an educational massive multiplayer online game: A multidimensional view. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies.

Murai, Y., Kim, Y. J., Martin, E., Kirschmann, P., Rosenheck, L., & Reich, J. (2019, March). Embedding assessment in school-based making: Preliminary explorations of principles for embedded assessment in maker learning. Proceedings of FabLearn 2019, 180-183. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA.

Ruipérez-Valiente J.A., Rosenheck L., Kim Y.J. (2019) What Does Exploration Look Like? Painting a Picture of Learning Pathways Using Learning Analytics. In: Ifenthaler D., Kim Y. (eds) Game-Based Assessment Revisited. Advances in Game-Based Learning. Springer, Cham

Klopfer, E., Haas, J., Osterweil, S., & Rosenheck, L. (2018). Resonant Games. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Rosenheck, L. (2018). Designing for Collaborative Play: Why Games Need MUVEs and MUVEs Need Games. In Integrating Multi-User Virtual Environments in Modern Classrooms (pp. 26-49). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Rosenheck, L., Lin, C. Y., Klopfer, E., & Cheng, M. T. (2017). Analyzing gameplay data to inform feedback loops in The Radix Endeavor. Computers & Education.

Rosenheck, L., Clarke-Midura, J., Gordon-Messer, S., & Klopfer, E. (2017). Tipping the Scales: Classroom Feasibility of the Radix Endeavor Game. In Serious Games and Edutainment Applications (pp. 225-258). Springer International Publishing.

Rosenheck, L., Gordon-Messer, S., Clarke-Midura, J., & Klopfer, E. (2016). Design and Implementation of an MMO: Approaches to Support Inquiry Learning with Games. In D. Russell, & J. Laffey (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Gaming Trends in P-12 Education (pp. 33-54). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-9629-7.ch002

Groff, J., Clarke-Midura, J., Owen, V.E., Rosenheck, L., & Beall, M. (2015). Better Learning in Games: A Balanced Design Lens for a New Generation of Learning Games [white paper]. Cambridge, MA: MIT Education Arcade and Learning Games Network.

Rosenheck, L. (2012, January). Beetles, beasties and bunnies: ubiquitous games for biology. In Mobile Media Learning (pp. 77-96). Springer-Verlag.

Rosenheck, L. (2008). Learning with Ubiquitous Computing. Educational Technology, 48(2), 5-10.

Academic Publications

Presentations & Panels

UX of EdTech: Inclusive Design in EdTech Products (2024)

Edtech Insiders: Inclusive Design on Week in Edtech (2024)

No Such Thing: Inclusive Methods for Learning Designers (2024)

EdUp EdTech: Going KrAzY for Kahoot! (2022)

Edtech Insiders: The Pedagogy of Game-Based Learning (2022)

Magic EdTech: Making Game-Based Learning More Accessible and Inclusive (2022)

The Hogan Report: How To Repair Student Engagement. (2022)

No Such Thing: Game Based Assessment (2022)

The Research Files: Embedding playful assessment into learning

SchoolStatus: One way to assess spacial reasoning, creativity, and persistence (2021)

Book: Resonant Games

Design principles for learning games that connect hearts, minds, and the everyday